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Leadership Services

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KP Strategies is pleased to be working in collaboration with Living As A Leader.  Living As A Leader provides services to support the effectiveness of leaders at all levels in a variety of ways. They support organizations throughout the U.S. and across all industries.

On this page, you will find an introduction to four core services. If you are intrigued enough to learn more, you can click on the “Take Me To Living As A Leader” link below. There, you can fill out a form to be contacted by a member of the Living As A Leader team.



Watch our overview video that explains our approach and development.

Learn more about our 12-workshop
Leadership Development Series

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Learn more about our six workshop
Emerging Leader Series

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Senior leadership team development

Many senior teams come together to DO the work of the team, but they don't necessarily step back to identify the HOW of the team. As a result, team members are often not aligned, and the effectiveness of the team suffers.


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Leadership coaching

We coach leaders at all levels, sometimes for growth and sometimes for development. A common call to us starts with, "We have a leader who is a strong producer, but their style in interacting with others is problematic." Coaching happens for a variety of reasons.


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  • Find out what others have said about their experience.

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Request a free copy of our book

Live As A Leader; Inspiration and Tools to Transform Yourself, Your Team, and Your Life

  • In this book, you will discover . . .

    • concrete steps to lead with greater confidence and capability
    • exercises and practical activities to strengthen your leadership in real time
    • stories of how leaders at all levels have changed the environment around them by first changing themselves

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