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We Help You Develop
Exceptional Leaders



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Leadership Development Services  Train-the-Trainer Certification

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We Help You Develop
Exceptional Leaders



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Leadership Development Services  Train-the-Trainer Certification

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We Help You Develop
Exceptional Leaders



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Leadership Development Services  Train-the-Trainer Certification

Virtual Leadership Coaching Hero Slider

Main Content

We provide all leaders at all levels with the tools, skills and strategies necessary to effectively lead their employees and the business to greater success.


Free Leadership Resources

Feedback Made Easy Framework

Feedback Made Easy

Give employee feedback in a way that balances inspiration and accountability.


6-Step Guide for Having Difficult Conversations

6-Step Guide for Having Difficult Conversations

Learn a proven system for addressing conflict and unmet expectations.


Lead Upward Cheatsheet

Lead Upward Cheatsheet

Make requests, give feedback, and manage expectations respectfully with your boss.



Want to learn more about how we can partner with you and your leaders? 

Contact Us



"Living As A Leader has exceeded my expectations. The training sessions are very interactive, using numerous training techniques that my managers can relate and respond to. The bonus part of the program is the small group coaching sessions. This is where my managers can work through and get advice on their real-life leadership issues."

Corporate Director of HR

"The Living As A Leader Series helped me truly appreciate that being a leader is extremely hard work. Effective leadership is a journey that lasts a lifetime. And these principles can be applied both to our professional as well as our personal lives. Thank you for everything!"

HR Manager

"I believe the investment our organization has made in developing leaders has already shown its value. The supervisors who have gone through the training have been putting the tools and materials to use throughout the organization. In our facility, we are seeing more consistent messages being delivered, respect for all personality types, and the desire to drive continuous improvement."

Plant Manager

Current Insights

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Progress Parties: Why Leaders Should Celebrate the Small Wins

Progress Parties: Why Leaders Should Celebrate the Small Wins

In my years of leading people and coaching managers, I’ve noticed a common mistake we’re all guilty of… waiting until the end to celebrate. We hold off on recognizing achievements until a project is complete, a goal is met, or a quarter ends. But why do we save all the celebration for the finish line? Isn’t the journey just as important?

September 4, 2024 | By Living As A Leader


The Silent Crisis: Stressed-Out Employees and What Leaders Can Do About It

The Silent Crisis: Stressed-Out Employees and What Leaders Can Do About It

In the whirlwind of board meetings, strategy sessions, and quarterly reports, there's a quiet crisis simmering just beneath the surface of our organizations. According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2024 Report, a staggering 49% of employees in the U.S. and Canada are stressed out. Almost half of your workforce is potentially one email away from a stress-induced breakdown. This is a pressing issue that demands our immediate attention.

August 6, 2024 | By Living As A Leader


Understanding the Professional Love Languages of Your Employees

Understanding the Professional Love Languages of Your Employees

Effective leadership involves more than just goal setting and task delegation. Understanding the unique motivations and preferences of each team member is crucial for fostering a healthy and productive work environment. Recognizing and catering to the "professional love languages" of employees can significantly impact their job satisfaction and performance.

July 10, 2024 | By Living As A Leader