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Leadership Services


Leadership Development Series 

Fall 2024 

Kenosha | Launch date October 3, 2024

Milwaukee | Launch date October 15, 2024


Main Content

One of our key services, the Living As A Leader Leadership Development Series, is a comprehensive, steady progress-over-time approach that equips leaders with depth and breadth of skill and knowledge. Participants include supervisors, managers, and other key leaders. In addition to offering this Series in-house, it is available as a Public Series option. This provides you the opportunity to send one or a few leaders at a time, launching each spring and each fall.

The Series consists of two critical elements for supporting the growth and development of leaders—skill-building workshops and coaching sessions with a leadership coach. Coaches help to ensure application of newly gained knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Leaders who successfully complete the Series will be workplace-ready—intentional and confident with the choices they make, instinctively knowing what to say and what to do.

It is important for participants of this Series to have formal direct reports. Our Emerging Leader Series is available for individual contributors who do not have direct reports.  

What's Included

12 Monthly Skill-Building Workshops

  • Comprehensive development to build knowledge and skills in critical areas of leadership.
  • Networking with peers in other organizations who have similar challenges.
  • Application of skills to ‘real life’ leadership challenges.
  • Increased confidence and competence to achieve greater results!

12 One-Hour 1:1 Coaching Sessions

  • Individual accountability and expert support for application of skills learned.
  • Practical solutions to address specific situations in the workplace.
  • Individualized professional development, based upon personal priorities.

Learning Reinforcement Tools

  • Involvement of the participant’s leader
  • Follow-up reinforcement activities
  • Reinforcement tools:
    • Participant Tip Cards
    • Leadership Journal
  • Learning technology tools:
    • eLearning courses
    • Mobile App reinforcements

Skill Building Workshops

Dive A Little Deeper

Our Leadership Series are hosted in partnership with:




Not sure? We’d love to help you think through your options! You can contact Aleta Norris at Better yet, grab a 15-minute spot on her calendar HERE.